A Little Laziness is Okay

Photo Credit: Lenin Estrada

Photo Credit: Lenin Estrada

I’m not sure I did any real work last week. My (lack of) actions were the equivalent of pushing papers around at a desk job. I had a hard time focusing, yet I felt guilty not checking off anything on my robust to-do list. So I sat at my computer––staring and accomplishing nothing.

My desperate attempts to produce something turned into wasted hours of nothing.

My initial instinct was to push through. Years of dance training has taught me to persevere, no matter what the obstacle. Years of dance training has also made me feel guilty if I’m not accomplishing something at every moment of the day.

But I’m learning to recognize when it’s time to take a beat. When to walk away from the computer or take a day (or several) off from working out. When to switch gears if something just isn’t clicking. When to slow down even if the deadline is approaching.

I’m learning that those moments are not only okay, they are necessary.

It still can be a mental struggle––to be okay with doing nothing. To know the joys of a day on the couch binging Netflix, or sitting at the park staring up at the clouds. Or just not beating myself up if a day of planned productivity doesn’t end up with every item on the to-do list crossed out.

I’m learning those moments of nothing set me up for moments of greatness.

When I sat back down at my computer this week, I felt revived, refreshed, and ready to work! My hours of work time have been so much more fruitful than the hours of last week spent trying to make things happen. It’s a solid reminder to listen to what I need and honor the moments of respite just as much as the moments of progress and achievement. Those moments will protect me from burnout.

It truly is all about balance. So I encourage you, as I remind myself: a little laziness is okay!

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