Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway


Binder gifted from Petal + Ash’s lawyer, upon completion of LLC formation.

Last November––which feels sometime between a lifetime ago and yesterday––I was in northern California rehearsing for a holiday show. This theatre company was special, because the focus was not just on producing a fantastic show (that was a given), but on nurturing the artists that came to be a part of the show.

Every morning we began our day as a group, standing in a circle and holding hands, taking four deep breaths. These four deep breaths calmed and centered us––as individuals and collectively, as a group. We then spent about thirty minutes on an element of the mind, body, or soul, before diving into our formal rehearsal day.

One morning, we were discussing ways to let go and barriers that can stand in the way of our successes. We began this discussion by reading quotes that had been randomly handed out by that day’s session leader. I read the quote “Feel the fear and do it anyway.” -Susan Jeffers. Most everyone in the group seemed to not only know, but revere both the quote and the woman who wrote it. I felt slightly out of the loop in that moment, as I wasn’t yet familiar with Jeffers, though I felt compelled to delve deeper into her words.

I listened to Jeffers’ book on iTunes and, though sounding outdated in recording style (as a voiceover actor I might be a little bit judgy in this department) and feeling slightly like I’d burrowed straight into self-help land, Jeffers’ words rang so true. After completing the book, I felt like I’d finally latched onto a concept that I’d never even dared to accept. The book is an in depth look at fear and blockage, but the overall message is as the title of the book (and the famous quote) reads:

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.

Jeffers encourages you to normalize the feeling we know as fear. Acknowledge it, and hell, even say hi to it. And then do the damn thing you set out to do!

I have carried this mantra over into my work as a performer, but also into my life beyond––in ways both personal and professional. I am human, so of course at times I forget, but I now know I have this tool in my back pocket.

So here I am. Working to launch an ethical and sustainable lingerie line. It is in many ways a ridiculous dream, but it’s my ridiculous dream. I believe I can do it, and so I’m going to do it. It’s actually that simple.

Is it scary as f*ck? Yes, absolutely. Yet if every day, I get up and keep doing the things I’ve set out to do, I’m bound to move forward. Will I succeed? I don’t know. I absolutely intend to, but I know I’ll never know the answer to that question if I don’t try!

I’m not saying this is easy; this is actually one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. What I’m trying to embrace though, is to “feel the fear and do it anyway!”

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