Mind. Body. Earth.

On this Earth Day, I want to challenge you to take part in the mind/body/earth connection. I’d like you to consider that self-care should be a large part of your sustainable journey. The health of our minds and bodies go hand in hand with the health of the planet.

How, you ask?



Nature offers us so much in service of our mental heath. From reading a good book while sitting under a tree on a beautiful day to playing in the snow, nature can provide us with a ton of joy. Taking time in nature can serve as a way to de-stress, to meditate, to enjoy time with friends and family, time away from the hectic pace of the daily grind, and time away from technology. Basically, being out in nature makes us happy. The happier we feel, the more likely we are to maintain healthy and earth-friendly habits. On a macro scale, the more we take in the glory of nature, the more we reinforce our respect for the planet, and our shared responsibility in taking care of it.



Society puts so many pressures on us that can affect our body image, and create a fraught relationship with our bodies. I believe that feeling good in our own skin is not about the numbers on a scale or the inches in a waste line. It’s about how you feel and the energy you exude. There are a lot ways to feel more connected to your body, and a lot of those ways connect us with nature.

Exercise is not about shedding pounds, it’s about making you feel good and keeping you healthy. Walking and biking are not only great forms of exercise, they’re also great ways to reduce your climate impact.

Taking time to eat mindfully leaves you more satisfied. Plant based eating is a wonderful way to provide your body with nutrients and good fuel; it also holds a much lower carbon footprint that indulging in meat and dairy. Eating locally and seasonally typically gives us fresher, more delicious produce; it also majorly reduces the carbon footprint of getting food from a farm to your table. Composting helps reduce methane outputs, which (in a very simplified explanation) helps keep our atmosphere and our air healthier for us to breathe.

All of this is to say that keeping our planet healthy helps to keep us healthy, and vice versa.

So what is my mind/body/earth (day) challenge to you? Pick a mindful self-care activity, and carve out some time this week for it. Be creative. Do something that will bring you joy, and help you connect to your own needs and to the needs of Mother Earth.

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If you need some help with ideas, here’s a small list to get you going:

  • Meditate in the park, on your roof, or in your backyard

  • Outdoor yoga with a small group of friends

  • A long walk or hike at your favorite destination

  • Spend the morning at your local farmer’s market and make dinner from your finds

  • Make a plant-based meal

  • Check out how to get involved in your local community with sustainability initiatives

  • Plant something in your garden

  • Take a hammock nap

Happy 🌎 Day!

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