My Top 3 Sustainable Products for Daily Use

Last week I wrote about easy ways you can become more sustainable in your day to day life. Swapping out unsustainable items for their sexy, sustainable counterparts. This week I want to share my top three picks. I mentioned a few specific items in last week’s blog, but today I want to take the internet search out of the equation and link right to said products. And no, there are no affiliate links, nothing is sponsored––I’m just hoping to make your busy life a little easier! So here goes…

My Top Three Sustainable/Reusable Products


No more plastic straws!! I mean it. Seriously. If you need a straw, then this is it! I love this metal straw. It comes in a cute little case, complete with a cleaning brush. Best of all, the case fits into the tiniest of pockets.

Link here to purchase through Cost World Market


I can’t get enough of Bee’s Wax. Yes, it cost a lot more that a roll of Saran Wrap. But one pack lasts about a year, so at cost per use, it’s a way better deal. Just make sure to wash your wraps in cool water, between uses. Now go have fun wrapping up your food in these adorable patterns!

Link here to purchase through Bee’s Wrap


Bar shampoo is a game changer. Don’t worry, it still lathers. It also lasts forever. My last bar took me six months to wear down. Ethique also gets bonus points as their packaging is biodegradable.

Link here to purchase through Ethique

I hope that helps save a little time in your day as you research, learn, and grow on your sustainable journey! I’d love to hear about your favorite items. Feel free to comment or write us, and let us know what you love!


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