What is Success, Anyway?
Micki Weiner Micki Weiner

What is Success, Anyway?

I had just booked the national tour of a Broadway show and I was ecstatic. Upon hearing the news, one of my friends congratulated me by saying "you finally made it!" I knew this friend meant well. To them, I had finally succeeded. They defined success, for me, as booking a gig with national name recognition. And it was a huge success, but I also felt like that comment discounted every other major success I’d had, that led up to that point.

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New Year, Who Dis?
Micki Weiner Micki Weiner

New Year, Who Dis?

The New Year is finally upon us, and so many people are ready to throw out all that was 2020. Most of the year truly was a dumpster fire, yet it’s not likely that all of this past years issues will magically disappear at the stroke of midnight. 2021 has just as much potential to be a disaster - or a lifting up out of the darkness - or anything in between. None of us really know what lies ahead, and I think that may be one of the biggest lessons of this past year. How to let go and live in the unknown.

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