The Perfect Fabric?

Spoiler alert, there is no perfect fabric. Any and every fabric used in clothing (and other textile based products) comes with pros and cons. Yes, some fabrics are absolutely better than others, but the reality is that even the least impactful materials still come with some impact. Even fabrics made from recycled fibers have a carbon footprint.

Picking the best fabric comes down to weighing the pros and cons, understanding the use of the fabric versus its properties, and considering where the garment will end up when it’s no longer in use. Designing with (garment) end of life in mind is incredibly important to reducing carbon footprint. As is picking fabrics that have been responsibly sourced, and can biodegrade, or better yet––compost.

Designing for garment end of life is at the heart of what I’m working on at Petal + Ash. It’s possible to make something beautiful, that fits well, feels good on your body, looks great, and when you’re done with it…leaves no trace. Because, let’s face it, you’re probably not handing down your old bras. You’re probably giving them a lot of love and then eventually, throwing them away.

What I’m working on is a tall order, but it’s very possible. But what about garments that require high performance elements, like a sports bra for example? Right now, versions of synthetic fabrics are still the best options. Better options are in the works, but they’re not yet scalable. Look, what I’m working on is important, but it’s not replacing your sports bra anytime soon. So in the meantime? The simple answer is, there’s no simple answer!

If you want to go a bit deeper into the pros and cons of recycled synthetic fabrics, I think you’ll find the article below really interesting and informative.


A Gift, For You


Hello, Darling!